Whale & Dolphin Watching in Port Stephens


The Whales are back! 

Port Stephens is the winter wonderland for whale & dolphin watching & Nelson Bay is home all year round to about 150 inquisitive & playful bottlenose dolphins.

A lot of the dolphins have been in the bay for a long time and are well known to the crews of the different boats, who have even given some of them names.

The best cruises I have used to see the dolphins run all year long with at least one cruise going out every day (weather permitting).

Port Stephens is now fully immersed in Whale Season.  There are about about 45,000 of these beautiful and majestic creatures heading north for the winter season. 10 years ago it would have been 12,000, so it's great to know that their population is growing. I can tell you that now is the perfect time to book up some accommodation and come to the Bay for a few days to partake in their journey.

To save disappointment, make sure that you book ahead.

The site I use is www.loveps.au, though I would say that as I built the site!

Some of our cruises

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